Thursday, November 14, 2013

Essay Leaves me Wondering

One of the most liked pieces was called "Mint Snowball." It is a story I can relate to. Both of my grandfather has passed and can relate that there are many small things that remind me of him or where was was from. The layout of the story is well planned. First giving who owns the story what they serve, second what is so special about the place/object, and finally on a personal level what it means to her. A special moment in the piece is the descriptive moment of how taste is translated into vision. After tasting that dessert she images the Swiss village. This story has a real feeling, because it defiantly could of happened and invoke those feelings. A more informative playful story is the "Mute Dancers: How to Watch a Hummingbird." Woven throughout the piece are facts about hummingbirds from their body functions to the Mayan culture they have influenced. There are cleaver short metaphors like, "most birds are busy singing a small operetta of who and what and where" (296). Much of the creative language makes the essay feel more fluent and exciting. When I read the Goldberg writings I feel like my confidence does not need this and I am understanding of how to take different situations. However, the most interesting idea to help motivate writing was in the "Blue Lipstick and a Cigarette Hanging Out Your Mouth." The idea of just doing something different can get a person into a different mindset in writing, had never crossed my mind. I agree that actually putting on different clothing or a different way can help give insight on how a character may act. To make a character seem real, you have to know something about them if they were in real life. That is why people base characters off of people they know. All the readings have their moments for this week.

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